Monday, July 14, 2014

Christmas sneak peek!


Many of you enjoy seeing my creative process so I thought I'd share this little sneak peek on some new JD stamps I'm working on. As a stamp designer you literally have to live in the future...what do I mean?? I have to think months down the road when doing my designs when it comes to the holiday like Christmas. In the past I started drawing in October for Christmas which didn't work out for several reasons....all the time need to manufacture the stamps and send them to the DT. Also people want to order their stamps a head of time so that they have enough time to create their cards so I was never on time. That's why I have Christmas on my brain! :)

Like every design of mine it all starts with a piece of paper and a pencil. I roughly sketch it out and if I'm happy with it I'll do another sketch (more polished) so that I can colour it to get the feel of how it would look on a card etc. Then if there's any minor adjustments I make them and draw the final draft which I scan.

I used my Graph'it makers to colour.

Just a little reminder...mChristmas stamps are on sale! :)

Well, that's it for this sneak peek!
Have a great day!