Saturday, May 5, 2018

lovely cards

Recently I've come across One Million Lovely Letters and was so moved by Jodi Ann Bickley who started this amazing project 5 years ago. Please click here to find out more about Jodi Ann and her lovely letters.

This inspired me to do the same!

Since I design my own stamps I obviously have lots of cards on hand which I donate to my church, more specifically one of the nuns who sells them. I was so moved by Jodi Ann and thought I could send a card to someone....I would LOVE to send a card to someone who needs some happy mail or maybe you know someone who could use a little happy mail?

If you are interested please email me at
My offer is open to everyone.



  1. Sweet collection of cards! You are so kind... 💗💕😊

  2. So nice card collection!
    I also give away my cards.just other day I give all my cards about 50 of them to pet shelter. They will sell them and buy food and other things.
