Friday, October 18, 2019

Cozy Up!

It's been a while since we had a blog hop here so I hope you'll join us on Monday for a blog hop where we will be sharing our cards using the newest of the Jane's Doodles family - Cozy UP!

Until then hope ya'll have a COZY weekend!



  1. What a cute set and right up my alley! Especially the comfy chair with a blanket and cup of tea. Love it!

  2. wonderful card!
    this set is so nice!

  3. Fabulous room, I need to relax in it!
    Love this new stamp set, I can see so well in my mind these furniture pieces with your cats stamp (my fav)! :) A cat on a chair would be the best to say "cozy"! LOL My seven cats are the boss of my own chair... LOL

  4. Dear
    The cozy up set is super cozy even i feel like snuggling on a chair. All teh best and blessings
