Thursday, June 11, 2020

new JD challenge + 30% sale!

Another brand new Jane's Doodles Challenge is up! Die Cutting.
Here's a peek at one of the cards. How AWESOME is it!?!!
Pop on over and check out what the rest of the team created.

Also, today is my dad's birthday. He passed away 23 years ago, I was 22. It's also a holiday here in Croatia so that's reason enough for me to extend the 30% off sale to the end of the week. 



  1. Wonderful rainbow card! Thinking of you as you remember you Dad. Virtual Hugs!

  2. Love the colors, hmmm? Have never seen this before and it us such a cute idea! Love the days that our family, today your dad, pokes a hug straight into our heart. Sending a hug and a smile with a tear attached!
